A cookie is a small text file that is stored by the computer when a website is visited by a user. The text stores information that the site is able to read when it is consulted at a later time. Some of these cookies are necessary for the correct functioning of the site, while others are useful to the visitor because they are able to securely store, for example, the username or language settings. The advantage of having cookies installed on your PC is that you no longer need to fill in the same information every time you want to access a previously visited site.


Regarding the nature of cookies, there are different types:

Technical cookies: technical cookies are those used for the sole purpose of transmitting a communication over an electronic communications network, or to the extent strictly necessary for the provider of an information society service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user to provide such service.
They are not used for other purposes and are normally installed directly by the owner or manager of the website. They can be divided into:

    • navigation or session cookies , which guarantee normal navigation and use of the website (allowing, for example, to make a purchase or authenticate to access restricted areas); they are in fact necessary for the correct functioning of the site;

    • analytics cookies , assimilated to technical cookies when used directly by the site manager to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the site itself, in order to improve the site's performance;

    • functionality cookies , which allow the user to navigate according to a series of selected criteria (for example, the language, the products selected for purchase) in order to improve the service provided to the user. The installation of these cookies does not require the prior consent of users (more information in the Cookie Management paragraph below).

    • Profiling cookies: 

      Profiling cookies are aimed at creating profiles relating to the user and are used to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user when browsing the internet.
      The consent of the interested party is required for the use of profiling cookies. According to the provision n. 229 of 8 May 2014 the user must be able to authorize or deny consent to the installation of profiling cookies if they are present.

    In the case of third-party cookies, the site does not have direct control of individual cookies and cannot control them (it can neither install them directly nor delete them). You can however manage these cookies through your browser settings (follow the instructions below), or the sites indicated in the "Management of cookies" section.
    The User is therefore invited to check on the third party website indicated below.


    Cookies are used in order to provide our customers with a shopping experience modeled as much as possible around their needs and preferences. Through cookies, it is ensured that with each visit to its website you do not have to receive or enter information that has already been processed. Cookies are also used to optimize the performance of the website: they, in fact, make both the final purchasing process and the quick search for specific elements and products within the site easier. In order to protect your personal data from possible loss and from any form of illicit processing, Angela Natuzzi has taken appropriate technical and organizational measures.
    For further information please see our Information on privacy.


    Most of the cookies we use when you close the browser (end of session) are automatically deleted from your hard drive (therefore they are called session cookies). We also use cookies that remain on your hard drive. When you return to our page, the system will automatically recognize that you have already visited us and store your favorite data and settings. These temporary or even permanent cookies (duration from 1 month to 10 years) are saved on your hard drive and deleted after a pre-established period. These cookies serve above all to make our offer simpler for the user, more efficient and more secure. Thanks to these files it is possible, for example, to display information on the page that best suits your interests. The sole objective of these cookies is to adapt our offer to your needs as a customer and to make browsing as comfortable as possible.


    No personal data is saved in the cookies we use. Therefore the cookies we use cannot be attributed to a specific person and therefore cannot be traced back to you. When cookies are activated, an identification number is assigned. At no time will it be possible to trace your personal data to the identification number and at no time will any attempt be made to do so. Your name, your IP address and similar data that could lead to your person will never be used. Based on cookie technology, we only receive information in the form of a pseudonym, for example regarding which pages of our online shop are most visited, which products are most viewed, etc.


    Based on cookie technology, websites collect data to optimize our online advertising and product range. This data is not used to identify you personally, but serves exclusively to evaluate the use of the homepage in pseudonymous form. Your data will not be linked to your saved personal data at any time. This technology allows us to offer you specific advertising and/or offers and services, the content of which is based on information obtained through clickstream analysis. Our goal is to make our online offer as interesting as possible and to provide you with advertising that reflects your areas of interest.


    We use some advertising partners who help to make the Internet offer and websites more interesting. Therefore, when you visit our site, cookies from associated companies will also be saved on your hard drive. In this case these are temporary/permanent cookies which will be automatically deleted upon expiry of the pre-established period. These temporary or even permanent cookies (the duration ranges from 14 days to 10 years) are saved on your hard drive and automatically deleted when the predefined period expires. Even the cookies of associated companies do not contain personal data. A user ID only collects data in the form of a pseudonym. This is, for example, data about which products you have viewed, whether you have purchased something, which products you have searched for etc... During this process some of our advertising partners also collect information about which pages you have already visited or which products you are interested in, this is to let you see the advertising that best matches your interests. This data in the form of a pseudonym will at no time be linked to your personal data. They are only intended to help our advertising partners match you with advertising that may actually be of interest to you.


    In this case, our websites use so-called re-targeting technologies. We use these technologies to make the internet offer more interesting. On the websites of our partners, this technique allows us to make ourselves visible to the Internet user who has shown interest in our online shop and our products in the past. We are convinced that the display of personalized advertising, which takes into account the user's interests, is usually more interesting than advertising which does not refer to the person. The display of our partners' websites through advertising vehicles is based on cookie technology and an analysis of user behaviour. This form of advertising takes place in the form of a pseudonym. No personal data is saved and user profiles are not linked to your personal data.


    Cookies have a duration dictated by the expiration date (or by a specific action such as closing the browser) set at the time of installation. Cookies can be:

    • temporary or session cookies (session cookies): they are used to store temporary information, allow you to connect the actions performed during a specific session and are removed from the computer when the browser is closed;

    • permanent (persistent cookies): they are used to store information, for example the login name and password, so as to avoid the user having to type them again every time he visits a specific site. These remain stored on your computer even after you close your browser.

    The so-called session cookies, once the connection to this website is terminated, are not stored. The IT systems used for this site use both temporary and permanent cookies.


    It is possible to modify your browser to deactivate cookies through a very simple procedure. Attention: by deactivating cookies, both username and password will no longer be stored on the site's login box.


    1. Open Firefox
    2. Press the “Alt” button on your keyboard
    3. In the toolbar located at the top of the browser, select “Tools” and then “Options”

    4. Then select the “Privacy” tab
    5. Go to “History Settings:” and then to “Use custom settings”. Deselect “Accept cookies from sites” and save your preferences.


    1. Open Internet Explorer
    2. Click on the “Tools” button and then on “Internet Options”

    3. Select the “Privacy” tab and move the slider to the privacy level you want to set (up to block all cookies or down to allow all)

    4. Then click OK


    1. Open Google Chrome
    2. Click on the “Tools” icon
    3. Select “Settings” and then “Advanced Settings”

    4. Select “Content Settings” under “Privacy”

    5. In the “Cookies” tab you can deselect cookies and save your preferences


    1. Open Safari
    2. Choose “Preferences” in the toolbar, then select the “Security” panel in the dialog box that follows

    3. In the "Accept cookies" section you can specify if and when Safari should save cookies from websites. For further information click on the Help button (marked with a question mark)

    4. For more information on the cookies that are stored on your computer, click on “Show cookies”


    In your browser you can set to accept the saving of cookies only upon request. If you intend to accept cookies, but not cookies from our service companies and our partners, you can select the “block third-party cookies” setting in your browser.
    Normally in the menu of your web browser, in the support section, you can see how to reject new cookies and deactivate existing cookies. Detailed information on how to set the browser you use is available at the following link.
    In the case of shared computers set to accept cookies and flash cookies, we recommend that you always log out completely after use.


    Each time the pages are accessed, user data will be transmitted via the internet browser and saved in protocol files, the so-called server log files. The following data will be saved: date and time of access, name of the site visited, IP address, referrer URL (origin URL through which you reached the websites), the amount of data transmitted, information relating to the product and version of the browser used.
    User IP addresses are deleted or made anonymous at the end of use. In the case of anonymisation, the IP addresses will be modified in such a way that they cannot be attributed to a specific natural person unless with an excessive effort in terms of time, costs and manpower.
    We analyze these logfile data sets anonymously in order to improve our offers, to make it easier, to find and eliminate errors faster and to check server capacities. In this way, for example, it is possible to understand at what time there is the greatest influx to the sites and consequently make the data volume necessary to guarantee a quick purchase available. Furthermore, the analysis of protocol files allows us to identify and eliminate any errors present on the site more quickly.


    To constantly improve and optimize our offer, we use so-called tracking technologies. To this end we use the services of Google Analytics.
    Google Analytics is a service of Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”). Google Analytics uses "cookies", text files saved on your computer, which allow us to analyze how you use our internet offer through Google. The information obtained from the cookie about your use of our websites (including your IP address) is normally transmitted to and saved on a Google server in the USA. We inform you that on our websites Google Analytics has been expanded with the code “gat.anonymizelp();” in order to guarantee the anonymous detection of IP addresses (so-called IP-Masking). Therefore, at our request, Google only collects your IP address in abbreviated form, which guarantees anonymity and does not allow your identification. If IP anonymization is activated on this website, your IP address will be shortened in advance within member states of the European Union or other states that have signed up to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the entire IP address be sent to Google servers in the USA and then shortened there.
    Google also complies with the data protection provisions of the "US-Safe-Harbor" convention and is registered with the "Safe Harbor" program of the US Department of Commerce. Google will use this information to evaluate your use of our websites, to compile reports on website activity and to provide us with other services relating to the use of the website and the internet. The IP address that Google Analytics transfers from your browser will not be associated with other Google data. Google will only pass this information on to third parties if required by law or for the purpose of data processing. Under no circumstances will Google associate your data with other data collected by Google. By using these websites, you agree to the processing of your data collected in the manner and for the purposes described above.
    You can avoid the storage of cookies through the appropriate settings in your browser software; However, we warn you that in this case some functionality of your websites could be compromised. Furthermore, you can prevent Google from detecting the data created by cookies relating to your use of websites (including your IP address); the same applies to the processing of this data by Google. To this end you can download and install the browser plugin available at the following address.
    You can find further information on Google Analytics and data protection at https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=it .


    Doubleclick by Google is a service of Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”). Doubleclick by Google uses cookies to present advertisements relevant to you. It therefore assigns an identification number in the form of a pseudonym (ID) to your browser to check which advertisements have been shown on your browser and which advertisements have been opened. Cookies do not contain personal information. The use of DoubleClick cookies simply allows Google and its partner sites to show ads based on other openings on our websites or on other websites on the Internet. The information obtained by the cookie about your use of our websites is transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the USA for processing. Google complies with the data protection provisions of the "US-Safe-Harbor" convention and is registered with the "Safe Harbor" program of the US Department of Commerce. Google will only pass this information on to third parties if required by law or for the purpose of data processing. Under no circumstances will Google associate your data with other data collected by Google.


    By continuing to browse this website, you accept the processing of your data collected in the manner and for the purposes described above. You can avoid the storage of cookies through the appropriate settings in your browser software; However, we warn you that in this case some functionality of our websites may be compromised. Furthermore, you can prevent the detection and processing by Google of the data created by cookies relating to your use of websites by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available at the following link, in the section "Doubleclick deactivation extension" . Alternatively, you have the option to deactivate Doubleclick Cookies on the Digital Advertising Alliance website below link .

    For any information or clarification write to: info@angelanatuzzi.it